
Theraband Exercise

Theraband loops are simple, easy to use exercise tool so you can get your rehab home exercise program done quickly and safely. They are thick elastic bands made of latex rubber that provides resistance while performing different exercises which is a great way to strengthen the muscles. If you are restricted to any functional mobility caused by an injury or illness, your physical therapist will likely prescribe some specific exercises to perform using Therabands.

TheraBand Loops are thick elastic bands that provide a way to strengthen muscles at home. By using the resistance that Therabands provide, muscles can be strengthened easily. TheraBand resistance bands are made of latex rubber, but there are non-latex varieties available for those people who are allergic to latex.

How does it work?

Theraband loop system comes in different levels of resistance, and it is essential to choose a proper resistance level for your condition. Your physiotherapist will recommend the level and explain to you how to perform different exercises using them. If you have any questions about using your resistance, be sure to check with your physical therapist. Since Theranad exercises require proper posture, warming up and stretching before use, and the knowledge of which exercises to do for your specific condition. Find a stationary point from which you can secure your theraband then start slowly with your exercise routines as prescribed by your physiotherapist.


There are some benefits to using resistance bands to do your home exercise program. These may include:

  • They are inexpensive. This makes them very affordable. In fact, many physical therapists simply give them out to their patients so they can do their exercise program.
  • TheraBand is easily portable. A TheraBand can be folded up and carried along with you in your pocket. That way, there is no excuse for missing your home exercise program.
  • They offer a variable amount of resistance. TheraBands come in various resistance levels to make your exercises more challenging as you progress.


There are some limitations to using resistance bands for your exercises. These may include:

  • It is difficult to accurately measure the amount of resistance you are using while exercising.
  • The resistance bands may easily break or become worn.
  • Injury may result if you do no use your TheraBand properly.
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